Children lifestyle are inherent

Children have the inherent right to life
Look into the eyes of a child, and you will see the genuineness in a child
They are innocent
They are gullible
They are naive
They are little
They are fun
They are free minded
They are transparent
They have no pressure no matter what they circumstance may look like
You would make them cry and they would still come back to you
They believe in us
They depend on us to fight for them
Then if all this, why would someone still hurt them
You could do anything to a child so long as no one is there and get away with it,
They can’t even explain
They can’t speak for themselves
They believe you care for them, if you pretend to
They are too innocent to suspect
They believe what you tell them
They can be friends with anyone
They don’t think they have enemies, not at all.
They trust anyone close to them, whether good or bad they don’t know
Then why would someone who is suppose to protect them hurt them
Do you have a child placed in your care??
How do you treat children around you?
How do you treat children that are not yours?
Are they safe in your hands?
Are you for, or against child abuse?
How much do love them?
How much do you tolerate them?
Do you take advantage of their vulnerability?
Do you take advantage of their ignorance?
Do you intimidate them?
Do you deprive them of their rights?
Do you help them in their weakness?
Be careful how you treat a child
Children are blessings from God
They are special creatures
They are gift from God
They attract blessings
God has placed them in your care to guide and protect them
They need your love, care and protection.
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You have a beautiful set up here. We hope it will indeed be like this in the physical view.