Child Education Can Reduce Crime

Child education can reduce crime in our society.
Educating a child is the foundation you lay for a better future because without a good foundation the building collapses. When the root is not well nurtured it won’t bare good fruits, tackling the issues of crime in our society, should start with educating our children because they are the leaders of tomorrow.
Child education is very important because it helps in setting a strong mental foundation, it has a way of influencing positive habit in a child, it builds a child’s thinking ability and highlights the possibilities of greater ambitions.
The social, physical and emotional growth of young children has a direct effect on their development as a whole and on the adult they will become, and what child education does is to mold, enhance, nurture, and build a strong foundation for the child’s social, physical and emotional development that prepares them for a lifetime.
Child education enlightens and exposes them to the effect of crime in our society.
School activities such as learning, sport, creative art, excursion, etc improve personal life, helps children in acquiring skills and in discovering what they can do and love doing (talent) which can be of a benefit to our society. Thereby reducing the crime rate in our society.
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