The Magic of Music

Music has the power of shaping the character and should therefore be introduced into the education of the young Aristotle- Music as art and as an artistic subject affects an individual as a whole. Music Activities stimulate mental and physical development, emotions sense of beauty, creativity, self-esteem and interpersonal relationships.
Music learning improves children’s life
Music learning enhance and improves children’s effective (emotion and behavior), psychomotor (minds on –hands on) and cognitive development. Studies have shown that music learning which include both the theory and practical (playing piano, Drums, Recorder, Guitar and other musical instrument and singing) offer essential values such as high intelligent quotient, improved academic performance, emotional development and improved attention span, psychomotor development and in recent times, spiritual development.
In living fountain Orphanage homes, we have adopted music as a tool to help our children grow in all sphere of learning. Considering the background of most of the children in our homes, we use music as a therapy for our children. Our children listen to music, sing songs, play instrument, dance ballet and make music as well.
We have seen tremendous result from these musical activities. Our toddlers start to speak fluently as early as one and half year old despite the trauma and unpalatable circumstances that precede the birth of these children. We are glad to inform you that very soon, we will be calling on you to celebrate with us as we lunch our second album titled “ A gift of love’’. For us at living fountain orphanage music is our lifestyle.
Today we give thanks to God for the wondrous things he has done and still doing in living fountain orphanage through the power of prayer and good music.
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